There was a time I used to admire graphics designers. Yeah! I would ponder on thoughts like: How can one sect of human beings be just creative, and dynamic. I was always wowed by the designs I see all around the world.

Sometimes, I wished I could create all those stunning graphics, but I most usually dismiss the thoughts. Why? I concluded that graphics design wasn’t for me. I would always say to myself, “I’m not that creative; It is not something I can learn.”

But that has changed. I designed all the amazing graphics you can see in this particular blog post.

So, what’s the point I’m driving? Listen Closely.

Don’t ever think a particular success is not for you.

You should read this again: Don’t ever think a particular success is not for you.

Yes, I mean that! Stop thinking that way! It is called the fixed mindset. And it will do you no good.

In case you are wondering what the FIXED MINDSET means. I will briefly explain this.

Carol S. Dweck in her book, “Mindset” defines the fixed mindset as a mindset that does not afford people the luxury of becoming. They have to already be.

You know what this means? 

This depicts that people with the fixed mindset believe they have a definite amount of intelligence, moral character, and personality.

In plain English, there is nothing like CHANGE in their dictionary. Is this you? There is nothing to be ashamed of. We all—at some point—have had this undynamic mindset.

If you followed my story, you would notice I once exhibited the fixed mindset towards this skill—Graphics Design.

But there is good news? Do you want to hear it? This mindset can be changed. You heard me right! It can!

To what exactly? Now, I believe you already understand that in order to stop thinking in a certain way, a new way of thinking has to be embraced. If not, your efforts will be all for nothing.

So, back to this thing called mindset. If you have admitted that you have the fixed mindset, and you have made a decision to do what it takes to embrace this new way thinking; then you might ask: What could this be?

It’s called the GROWTH MINDSET. The growth mindset is the direct opposite of the fixed mindset. It is simply the belief that your basic qualities, talents, skills, character are things you can cultivate through your efforts.

It sounds easy right? But, hey! It takes a lot of effort, and persistent determination to keep going—through thick, and thin—till your targets are finally achieved.

When I started learning about design, I was excited. I was so glad. The first graphics design I created was horrible. It was so horrible that I had to delete it. Thinking back now, I’m so ashamed of myself.


But the first not-so nice graphics, which I created, then, didn’t stop me from practicing. I kept reading, and learning more about design. I would even challenge myself: Just so I could force myself to think outside of the box. And in due time, I evolved. You can even testify to this claim through the designs in this blog post.

This is an evidence that anything can be learned. You just have to be willing to do all it takes to get the result you desire. So, stop thinking that some certain persons are more special than you are. No, Stop thinking like that!

God deposited virtues in everyone. Everyone has a purpose: We are all co-creators. There is a genius in YOU, and It is waiting to burst forth. Don’t limit yourself through your fixed mindset.

Some excellent public speakers that I know of were once shy, when it comes to large crowds. The dynamic copywriters of today were once totally clueless about the psychology of sales. I can go on, and on. But what changed? They simply subjected themselves to GROWTH.

They grew to be who they are now. It wasn’t by luck. No! They were intentional about their life. And you should too!

To know more about being intentional: Read Here is the perfect solution if you need to reach that height you desire.

Believe that if one person (already in the path you want to tread upon) can do this, then, you can too!

Now, you might ask: How can I express the growth mindset?

(1) CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: It’s high time you left your old way of thinking. Admit that your old way thinking, the fixed mindset, hasn’t helped you in anyway. Then, make a conscious decision to adopt the mentality that change is achievable. Have the belief that you can actually make the leap you desire. The universe has a way of bringing our thoughts into reality. Hence, the realization of the success you seek starts with your mindset.

(2) BE WILLING TO LEARN: If you have changed your mindset, then, you have to subject yourself to the learning code. Be willing to learn, relearn, and unlearn. It is very important. If you seek to get to point B, but you are still at point A, then, it means you are missing something. Subject yourself to learning—Take courses, mentorship programs, attend conferences, or seminars, read books, and listen to podcasts. All of these should be relevant to your goals.

(3) PERSISTENT DETERMINATION: Persistent determination is a vital key to actualizing your goals. As you journey through, you might fail at some point. Hence, you’d feel frustrated. But you still have to keep going. Persistent determination is what you express when you tell the universe that you are willing to pay the price.

Napolean Hill in his book, “Think, and Grow Rich” showed some action steps, which could help in developing the act of persistent determination:

  • A definite purpose supported by a burning desire to fulfill such purpose.
  • A definite plan being executed through continuous actions.
  • A mind impenetratable by all forms of negative, and unhelpful influences, including negative counsels coming directly from relatives, friends, and acquaintances.
  • A master mind group—A friendly association with one or more persons who will not seize to give encouraging words, which will help you to follow through on your plans.

(4) ENJOY THE PROCESS: Although, you should be result-focused, but, still—Enjoy the process. Note what worked, and what didn’t. So, when you finally make it, someone else can replicate the process. Growth should be enjoyed, and not endured. Stay happy!

(5) STRIVE FOR MORE:  Having the “I-know-it-all” mindset brings about complacency. Always remember, there is MORE. You should know that you can never arrive, when it comes to growth. As long as you are breathing, you should keep growing. Yes! Once you feel relaxed, and you think you don’t need to invest in your growth process, you will be in the complacency mode. A time will come, when you look back in time, you’d realize you have already been left behind!

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t celebrate your major milestones. Please do! Reward yourself when you hit those targets. It helps to boost your self-confidence. But remember, No matter what you have achieved, so far, there is always MORE. Don’t give in to COMPLACENCY.

There is a genius in YOU. This Genius is waiting to burst forth.

Don’t limit your destiny with your fixed mindset.

I hope you have found this piece useful? Share your thoughts with me in the comment section.

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One Step At A Time

I remember putting myself through an unnecessary stress, few years back. I was still in primary school, but I had elder brothers, who were far ahead of me—academically.

You know I’m an inquisitive being. So, there was this time I was snooping around, and I found a Further Mathematics Note-book Filled with Equations and Formula.

When I saw it, I was like: What the heck! I was dumbfounded. I was like, “ki le l’eyi…?” (Translated as “What is this?”)

So, I became worried. You know why? I was scared that I was never going to understand all of what i saw in that note-book, someday, when I eventually reached that level.

I was so overwhelmed. It was so intense that I found myself asking questions like:

“Will I be able to pass WAEC?”

“How am I supposed to cope when I reach the Senior Secondary School level?”

I’m heading somewhere with this story… Just be patient. 😉

Anyway, I was able to shrug off the feeling eventually. So, I decided to concentrate on what I could control at hand—My Entrance Examination into Junior Secondary School. I decided to focus all my strength and wisdom into the current stage I was in, so as to navigate through excellently.

Back to the present, this same lady is grown, and she is now a graduate. So, what am I trying to illustrate?

In this journey of life, it is step-by-step o.

Let me add this.

Don’t start troubling yourself about step 20, when you are still at step 2. Concentrate on the step 2, and how you can move forward.

As you grow, you keep expanding in capacity, knowledge, and wisdom—That was what I didn’t realize.

Remember… It’s okay to not have all the answers. The blueprint gets clearer as you journey through.

Keep Thriving.


If you enjoyed this piece, and you would love to connect with the author: Kindly click on this link.

See You On The Other Side.

LIFE: The Journey Is Not For The Faint-hearted.

As a writer, the first draft of my articles or blog post are usually not attractive. What do I mean? Surely, it will be necessary to correct some errors which includes: typographical errors, grammatical errors, and simple errors. My write-ups are usually proofread multiple times, so, it can be appealing to my audience.

This same principle applies to every other great output. The captivating and delicious cake, which bakers post on social media, had a hell of a process. People only care about what you have to offer—the output. When your output is great, then they will care to hear your story.

What have you been wanting to start but haven’t had the courage to take the leap? Are you experiencing analysis paralysis because the process scares you? No one had it easy. Don’t let the fear of failure cage you, and prevent you from forging forward. Failure is not a stigma and you shouldn’t see it as such. If you have developed the growth mindset, then you will perceive failure as an avenue of doing something differently. If you are waiting for the moment to be perfect or you are waiting until you are 100 % prepared, then I’ll tell you this: wake up from your euphoria—That’s not going to happen. Would you rather try to take the leap and see how it will turn out—Knowing that you will give it your best shot? Do you prefer to have future regrets on the things you didn’t do? It’s high time you took that step and see how you will evolve over time.

As you measure your progress, after you have taken that step, you will have to fine-tune your process by changing your strategy to get the desired result. You never know what you are capable of achieving but you will never know if you don’t start. With the right mindset, unshakable WHY, powerful information tools, growth-spurring environment, great support system, and executable plans, you are on the right path. Have the courage to begin that project, to take that course, to start that business, and so on.

Andrew Matthew once said, “You get motivated by doing things not thinking about them. Action gets you excited, and action reveals opportunity.” Quit procrastinating and take action now. It is not going to be easy, but you can be sure it will be worthwhile.

I hope you have found this piece to be helpful? Don’t forget to like, comment, and share. ❤

If you will like to connect with the author for more daily life-changing tips, simply click on MY CONTACT SPACE.


GUEST POST: The Open-Minded Heart

We all know or must have heard that salvation is based on a personal decision to accept Christ. Such decision may or may not totally result to a changed life.

For example: A Christian boy child after listening to a transformation message decides to accept Jesus into his life. After the altar call, he gets a good follow-up by the visitation team; He is being taught more about the bible. He attends church every Sunday because that’s what his family does.

Growing older—after leaving home—he finds church service and sermons to be boring. He prefers to hang out with friends, then peer pressure sets in. He is introduced to drinking, drugs and clubbing. He stops going to church; The bible becomes forbidden.

The desire to know Christ and abide with his teaching declines. Back at home, his parents believe he’s saved because he left home as a believer. The important question here is this, was there an evidence of a changed heart? or was it just a change in attitude?

Salvation goes beyond a mere change in attitude: His desires has to change: He should desire to do things related to God’s work. Formally, he might have hated things related to God, and might even be hostile towards him. So, there must be a change of heart; A heart that’s ready to listen to God’s teaching and abide with what he says.

The human heart can be likened to the parable of the sower. You might have read about it in Mark 4:3-20. The verses of this passage talks about the following:

  • Unresponsive heart—as the seed that fell by the roadside. The birds quickly ate it and it did not take root at all because the teaching fell on deaf ears and a heart who hasn’t genuinely accepted the savior.
  • Impulsive heart—as the seed that fell on the rocky soil. He receives the word with joy, but as soon as trials arise or persecution sets in, the person is easily swayed.
  • Worldly heart—as the seed that fell on the thorny ground. Such person refuses to give up on old habits, eventually they will catch up with him and choke out the word he received.

One thing is synonymous about these soils: None of them was able to bear fruit.

  • Open heart —as the seed that fell on good ground: A ground that’s ready to hear God’s word and abide by it, with patience, bears fruit.

According to Luke 8:15, which says, “But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.”

This is the only heart that we need in order to have a heart that God promises in Ezekiel 36:26-27, which says, “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.”


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GUEST POST: Self-Improvement

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.

Have you reached a stage in your life where you are not satisfied with the way your life is going? Right now, you feel you should change your actions, well you have come to the right place. You will be taught on how changing your actions is the path to self-improvement.

Buckle up your seat belts and let’s go on this life changing ride.

What is Self-Improvement?

The definition of self-improvement is pretty self-explanatory: Self-improvement is the improvement of an individual’s knowledge, status, or character through the conscious effort of the individual. It’s the quest to make every facet of our life better.

Change your actions.

Actions are often easy to change compared to attitude or feeling because it is tangible. When you change your actions, you influence your feelings. Finally, if you consciously decide to carry out an action consistently, in spite of your feelings, then your feelings will eventually respond to your changed thinking and actions.

There is an old joke where a man says, “I really want to go to medical school, but it takes at least seven years—and I’ll be 50 in seven years.” His wise friend gave the response, “And how old will you be in seven years if you don’t go?”

You might not be where you want to be in your career, or any other area of your life, but never let yourself believe that change is impossible. Don’t allow your future to be limited by your age or your situation; Stop being afraid of what might go wrong and start getting excited about the things that can go right.

Here are 5 ways you can begin to steer yourself toward a more fulfilled and happy life.

  • Forgo being a perfectionist.

There’s no harm in being wrong or making mistakes, as long as you’re willing to make corrections. Just be yourself, irrespective of your flaws, and let people see the real you. No one is perfect—Every of our weaknesses and flaws makes us human.

  • Forgive those who have hurt you but change who you surround yourself with.

You can improve your life just by changing the people you surround yourself with. Some people might have brought negativity into your life or might have hurt you in time past, nonetheless accept that those actions cannot be changed or undone or forgotten—only forgiven. Take it as a lesson. Surround yourself with people who support you, guide you and make you better than you already seem to be.

  • Don’t compare your own life with anyone else’s.
Stay in your lane.

A big source of unhappiness is the idea that other people’s lives are better or easier than yours. But when you compare your situation to that of others, you’re comparing your complete reality to their surface. No matter how fantastic, how happy, or how brilliant everything may seem on the outside, you never know what’s happening on the inside. Everyone has their own story of struggles to tell, don’t be jealous of anyone.

  • Try something new to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

When you’re making a big change in your life, you need to break free from your comfort zone to help you grow. The best way to do this is to start trying out new things. Make a list of things you’ve always wanted to try, then start checking them off. Your list might be structured as: Going to the new Thai restaurant, skydiving, taking an art class, applying for an internship, volunteering, talking to a stranger at the grocery store, fixing a different hairstyle, and changing the usual work routine.

  • Work out

Get into your sexiest, most rewarding body physique. The process of working out consistently will change you. You will be confident. You will be disciplined. It might be hard for you to keep up in the long run, trust me: I have been there and remember… there is no gain without hard work. Utilize the halo effect to your personal benefits.

Others Include:

  • Read life changing books. Remember, a formal education will make you a living, but self education will make you a fortune.
  • Learn to think for yourself.
  • Surround yourself with people who will tell you the truth.
  • Don’t follow the crowd.


Reinvention is an art. It is a process. It is not a quick fix or an overnight solution. It is a deliberate practice— day in and day out. Remember that genuine happiness can only be achieved when we transform our way of life from the unthoughtful pursuit of pleasure to that which depicts commitment to the enrichment of our inner self. We should focus on being more rather than simply having more.

©Ayodeji Dominic

For more of this life changing post, simply click on the author’s blogspot link below: 👇

Author’s Blogspot Link


Happy Easter!

In the warm afternoon of April 11, I was reminiscing about my life, so an unforgettable memory popped up. I had a good laugh but as at when it happened, I almost pooed in my panties.

I will be going down memory lane. The haunting incident transpired as I was in the classroom—Junior Secondary School ONE (popularly known as JSS–1). I and my classmates were preparing to write a mathematics test in the early morning hour of that particular day. It is quite amusing that i can still describe my mental picture of my then mathematics teacher but can’t retrieve his name—I guess it’s because I thought he enjoyed being nasty. Chuckles. He was at the point of scribbling the test questions on the chalkboard when we heard a loud noise. The noise projected to be that of a gunshot—BOOM.

The information of an ongoing robbery got to us. It was unfortunate that my alma mater was the center of attraction in that vicinity, where the robbery took place. The school authorities told us to lie down and hide for safety. I was so scared; It was my first robbery experience. I hid under my table and I was ready to run just in case the need arises. The authorities of my alma mater did all they could to maintain order and they did everything in their power to keep everyone within the school’s domain safe.

I remained on the floor till the whole incident elapsed: It lasted for an hour. During those moment, I thought I was going to die. I literally thought, ‘‘Moji, is this how you are going to die.” It was a terrible experience. As God would have it, I am still breathing, even as this article is being composed. Although few people were hurt, God kept us. The only recorded damage was a broken window louver from the first floor of the storey buulding. Obviously, a bullet was shot and it passed through the louver, and shattered a section of it.

This was the experience I survived and It has been imprinted indelibly in my heart. As I reminisced about my life, I realised i am a survivor. I have been through less subtle challenges and I came out stronger and better. Some life struggles had felt tougher than expected, but i didn’t allow them to make me feel overwhelmed. The book of 1 John 4:4 says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” This consciousness keeps me going because I know I’m a conqueror in Christ.

Don’t allow your struggles to be the center of your thoughts, if you do, they will drown you. Rather, grow through those tough times. Use your trying times as an avenue to learn the intended moral, to build strength of character, and to experience a shift in mindset. Every season of your life is for a purpose. Learn to stick to the process, and you will emerge refined.

I am informing you that what you are going through will surely pass. It is a phase and it wouldn’t last forever. You have survived more terrible instances, so why would you think you can’t survive this one as well? You just read my story, right? You will tell yours too. Direct these words to yourself, “I’m a survivor.”

I hope you have been blessed? Thank you for always reading my blog post.

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Seek The Right Knowledge

I experienced a hitch some months back: My contact number was banned from WhatsApp. Initially, I was perplexed because it was just sudden. I had never experienced such before, so, I was really confused. I kept asking myself what could have gone wrong. And I had a lot of unfinished transactions with some persons, so, I had to find a solution.

I actually found a way to talk to some friends about the problem, but I really didn’t find anything substantial to hold onto. In the meantime, I switched to my other line—Just incase the number wouldn’t be unbanned eventually.

At some point, I succumbed to the thought that I might not be able to reverse the action which was made by WhatsApp. I started messaging friends and acquaintances about the change that just occurred, I asked to be added to important groups, and i contacted the people I had transactions with.

Gradually, time passed and I just flowed with the new change. On a second thoughts, I decided to just try and see what happens. I mean… I never tried anything, so, I didn’t want to just assume that nothing could be done about it. Since I couldn’t get any relevant information about my problem from the people I contacted, I visited YouTube.

I watched some videos on YouTube on how I could get my WhatsApp contact unbanned. Well, I got my answers. I followed the instructions, as were stated in the videos I watched, and did accordingly. I realized it could take days, months, or it might not even be unbanned (depending on the reasons for the ban). So, I just relaxed and continued with my other contact number. 

Fortunately, it took just a day for the WhatsApp support to unban my number. I gratefully switched back to my main contact number, and till date it’s been functioning well.

I know you are confused. You might ask, ‘‘What is she driving at gann?’’ The essence of all this story is to tell you that you shouldn’t make assumptions that a problem can’t be solved, if you haven’t tried to sought for the right information.

Even the book of Matthew 7:7 says, ‘‘Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’’ This means that you’ll only find what you have decided to inquire.

I could have just said, ‘‘Well, let me just continue with this new contact number. I’m sure WhatsApp had their reasons for banning my main contact line: There is nothing I can do about it.’’ Whereas, I didn’t know there was a solution waiting for me in YouTube.

The right knowledge is the information you are able to decipher, analyze, understand, and apply to get the desired result. Peradventure, an individual is faced with the same problem I encountered, I can easily proffer solution (Provided that’s the first time the account was banned, and for less serious reasons) because it’s a knowledge I have gained as a result of my past experience.

What knowledge do you seek? What problem are you currently faced with? What solution do you need? Ponder on these questions.

Then ask yourself: ‘‘Have I sought?’’ Also, ask yourself: ‘‘Have I applied the knowledge at my fingertips?’’ After I watched the video on YouTube regarding my issue, I could have decided not to use the tips I gained from the video. So, the fact that I watched the video wouldn’t have changed anything since I didn’t use the tips.

It’s now left for you to filter the information you get from people, books, or even the media by picking the ones that are vital to you, and then… apply to get the necessary result that you desire.

I’m glad I shared this with you. Thank you for the rapt attention, and I hope you gleaned something from this post?

You can follow my blog site, so that you can be notified of any new post I release.

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Don’t Let This Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis Cause You To Be On A Mental Lockdown.


I know we are almost a halfway through the 14-days lockdown for the residents of Abuja, Lagos and Ogun State based on the President’s directive, but I’m still bringing you this juicy inspiration—I know it’s never too late.

So, I’ll ask this question. You know, I love asking reflective questions… Just flow with me, please. Have you ever thought of how you could use this lockdown to your advantage? Yes or No. Which is it?

You might say: This situation is beyond your control. Yes! You are right… it’s glaring. This pandemic might have distorted the plans you already mapped out, right from the beginning of the year 2020; It is understandable. You might even be frustrated because of the damage it has done thus far. It’s okay to feel this way, but don’t let this menace put you down. The only thing that matters most, for now, is how you respond to it. So, I’ll ask again, how are you utilizing this lockdown period? When this Covid-19 pandemic crisis is finally over, and you look back in time… Will you have regrets or a story to tell?

If all you have been doing during this period is eating, chatting, sleeping, and watching movies, then, you are so wrong. You can do better, sincerely. Remember, you have to be intentional about your life. Don’t let this time elapse without you achieving anything tangible. Even if it’s just one goal you smash, it’s something.

I decided on the SMART goals I’ll be achieving during this lockdown period:

  • I’ll be reading two books: Die Empty by Todd Henry, as well as, Waiting & Dating by Myles Munroe.
  • I’ll be learning the nitty-gritty of the Mini Importation business.
  • I’ll be visiting one of my open loops. (Open loops are unfinished projects, or unreconciled relationships)
  • I’ll be growing my WhatsApp status views to 200.

You know why I call them SMART goals? I will tell you:


The goals you will be setting should be achievable within the period that you’ll be at home: They can also be called short term goals.


Get a pen, and a journal.


Pen your own personal goals in your journal. It could be anything, but it must be important to you. Example: It could be strengthening the bond between you and your spouse (For the married), or consistent workout sessions to keep your body fit, or even improving your business. So, you have to reflect and decide on what you want to focus on for this period.

Have you done this yet? If YES, we can proceed.

There is a saying that, ‘‘Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean.’’ You have to take baby steps to achieve the goals you have written in your journal.

Do you want to really do this?


Then ask yourself these questions: How do i hope to achieve the goals I have set? What baby steps will I take daily to achieve them? What measures do I need to establish to ascertain if I’m still on track?

Reflect on these questions (thoroughly think), give your response, and pen your answers in your journal.

Make sure your journal is easily accessible (Everyday) because all the details you have written will serve as a reminder that you have a goal or goals to smash.

These tips I have given works magic—Tested and Trusted.

There you go!

If you feel you can’t do this on your own, then get an accountability partner.  You have to be intentional about this, please.

Thank you for following through, and I do hope these tips have been helpful.

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How I Imbibed The Excellence Culture

I’ll ask these questions just to prepare your mind: What are your core values?  When your name is mentioned, what pops up on the mind of those that have your acquaintance?

I wouldn’t want to assume that we are all familiar with the meaning of the word—Values. So, I’ll start by explaining this: Values are standards which can be deployed to ascertain if your life is actually turning out the way you want it to turn out to be. Core values are personal to every human: The values that Individual A holds in high regard will be different from that of Individual B. You might ask, “Why is that so?” Every human being is shaped by their experiences, upbringing, and environment. This disparity is key, hence, it determines what we appreciate, and esteem as we grow, and mature.

Values are important because it serves as a personal code of conduct. Values are not static: They change with time. As you progress through life, your values may change.

Generally, I have come to value the following: Integrity, Excellence, Self development, Self-discipline, and Focus (IES²F).

Sample Values

Values are necessary, but it’s pertinent that you live by them. I’ll give you a practical example. I’ll just pick one of the core values which I iterated earlier: Excellence.

I was drawn to excellence the moment I just began to know an EXCELLENT GOD; My heavenly Father turned an empty, formless earth into perfection. My mesmerized self wanted to be associated with excellence. I desired that my influence would be a reflection of excellence in all its full representation.

So, i developed a code of conduct on how excellence will be ingrained in every aspect of my life. I made a daily decision:

  • To be faithful in the very little things. As a matter of fact, basic things like cleaning of the house and surroundings were inclusive.
  • To employ all my abilities, and capabilities to do the job which has been entrusted unto me to do.
  • To deliver results effectively and efficiently, taking every detail into consideration.

Those were my daily musings, although, it was not easy: It takes a lot of intentionality, and grace to change from executing tasks with the anyhow attitude (because you have no choice than to just do them) to imbibing the excellence culture. But with time, it has come to be a part of me and it’s a value, which friends have come to associate with me.

You can’t tell me that you esteem accountability, but you are always lost once it is time to give account of how you have deployed the resources, and time that were trusted to you for a job. If this happens, then you should know that there is a problem somewhere, which can be fixed. Values are not supposed to be dormant; They should be manifesting in your life.

You can always change the narratives that your life is currently treading on. Reflect on your life, and determine the following:

  • What narrative do I want to really change?
  • How can I effect this change?
  • How do I want people to describe me? Break the description down into bits of information.

These questions will help you to create your own code of conduct. Write your answers down in a journal, and meditate on them daily. It’s not going to be easy. But, if you are intentionally consistent, it will get better.

Begin to inculcate the values you desire that’ll aid the progress of your career, work, and relation.

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‘‘Can this sneeze just stop already!’’ I thought loudly.

I got exposed to dust some weeks back, and being allergic to this irritant, my respiratory system reacted. This resulted into repeated ‘sneeze’, and it became unbearable.

I know what you are thinking: Uh-uh! I do not have COVID-19. It’s just my respiratory system’s way of reacting to the dust that went into my nostrils. On a norms I wouldn’t have used any drug, but I didn’t want passers-by to assume I was infected since it is ‘‘one of the many’’ symptoms of coronavirus, so, I had to use Retidine. The next day, I had stopped sneezing completely.

I couldn’t restrain myself from envisaging what could have happened if the whole sneezing drama had occurred while I was outside, in the midst of people.

Just recently I read someone’s tweet on twitter which implied that the minister of state for health in Nigeria, Osagie Ehanire, studied Law. If it was a joke, then it was an expensive joke especially in this current season of coronavirus’ outbreak. Some gullible humans would believe that tweet, and spread such lie to others. This can cause unnecessary panic even though the minister of health is doing his best in his own capacity to curb this menace.

Don’t be too quick to spread a false information. The energy you would have deployed in sharing the information can as well be used to check the veracity of such information you sought to share.

You might say, ‘‘Oh! A friend, whose sources are always right, shared that info to me.’’ Alright, but YOU… have you confirmed that it’s the truth? It’s better you don’t share if you are not certain… especially the revile information that is capable of damaging someone’s integrity, and character. Always be mindful of what you say about people, so you don’t get yourself sued for defamation of character in the future.

John W Gardner once said, ‘‘The creative individual has the capacity to free himself from the web of social pressures in which the rest of us are caught. He is capable of questioning the assumptions that the rest of us accept.’’

Know the whole story, and get all the necessary facts before you think of making a statement about someone, or something.

Don’t spread assumptions, but rather, spread facts.

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